Remote sessions

Harmonic Egg Wellness

Book a Remote Energy Healing session

with Harmonic Egg Wellness

Don’t take our word for it. Schedule your own remote session and experience true healing for yourself.

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More about how a remote session works

Bruce Lipton, a Ph.D. and former cell biologist and professor at the National Institutes of Health, Stanford, formed a belief that humans have a misunderstanding of the healing process. This belief was the result of certain observations he made while scientifically cloning cells. His observations set Lipton on a quest to learn more about the role that the environment and outside factors play in the role of cell restoration and growth. Lipton goes on to discuss how a concept in quantum mechanics called “entanglement”, also works on the human body.

Quantum entanglement was discovered by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, and later studied by Albert Einstein. Roughly speaking, entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects behave identically, even when separated by great distance.

Another physicist by the name of Amit Goswami, published an article in a physics journal about a study he conducted that demonstrated entanglement happening between people. In the experiment two people meditated together and then were separated into two different chambers where they could not see, nor hear, the other. One of the individuals was exposed to a light strobe and, remarkably, the other participant’s brain also fired as if the participant had also seen the light. This confirmed the energy entanglement between the two parties despite the distance.

Bruce says that Goswami’s study shows how two people can be linked through energy. When one of those people is a healer, their energy vibrates at a higher level and can entangle with, and lift, another’s energy levels.

You can read more on this article in the Huffpost