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About Us

Harmonic Egg Wellness is a collective group of Harmonic Egg owners, approved by the Harmonic Egg corporate office. We are able to assist qualified individuals with lease-to-own options and a comprehensive business model so that they might acquire their own Harmonic Egg business. Please visit the corporate website at for more information.

Harmonic Egg Wellness

Bio-Resonance for Wellness

Bio-Resonance for Wellness

  • Recline in a patented chamber of resonant light and sound, personally customized to restore your own unique radiance. 

  • A safe, fully clothed, no touch healing therapy that is sterilized between each session.

  • This powerful sensory experience promotes relaxation and encourages the body to activate its own natural healing abilities.

 What is the Harmonic Egg

 What is the Harmonic Egg?

Have you ever felt as though you struggle to maintain a relaxed state of mind, body and soul? So many of us are stuck in a flight-or-fight response, constantly in a low to high state of stress. When the body is in this state, it is out of its state of balance and natural ability to heal and reset itself.

Imagine an egg-shaped chamber that allows and supports that reset that you so greatly need. The Harmonic Egg is designed to create for you an environment of deep relaxation and balance. Vibration builds within the chamber to help regulate your autonomic nervous system.


 Interview with the Inventor

In this interview with Gail Lynn, inventor of the Harmonic Egg, we discuss the healing power of sound, frequency, color, and light. We explore the science behind why this bio-energy therapy chamber has proven to be effective in restoring people’s physical, emotional, and mental states back into a state of harmony and balance.