Harmonic Egg can help with weight loss

A New Year and a Fresh Start:

With the start of a new year the focus for many people shifts to their body and their health. Now more than ever it’s hard to break through all the dieting fads and misinformation constantly being promoted in the media. 

No one wants to go through the struggle of losing weight and shoving it right back on. If this is what you're going through, you should not be ashamed or embarrassed. There may be a deeper problem that's causing weight gain, one that goes beyond just physical health.

At Harmonic Egg we have developed a program that meets you where you are currently at and aims to build you up all along your weight loss journey. Read on to explore what’s different about Harmonic Egg’s unique approach to weight loss. 

Different By Design:

Before we begin with any dieting or exercise, it is our view that we need to take a look at and attempt to heal the whole person. It is for this reason we begin with Chakra work. 

Through the proven practices of sound therapy, light therapy, sacred geometry, and healing nutrition we aim to rebuild our clients from the inside out by addressing each client’s unique emotional, mental, and physical needs. 

Below is more about the Chakras we work through along the way, and a brief breakdown on what changes we might be looking for within each one.

Root Chakra

The root chakra is associated with our legs, feet, bones, hips, adrenal gland, large intestine, teeth, and spinal column. This chakra governs our perception of the physical world, as well as our motivations and intentions. 

Imbalances of the root chakra manifest as potential weight problems, eating disorders, fatigue, low self-esteem and more.

Sacral Chakra

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is responsible for our feelings of creativity, sexual attraction, and child bearing. This chakra balances the liquid parts of the body, circulatory, reproductive and urinary systems. 

Imbalances within this chakra may be responsible for lower back pain, low sex drive, as well as low confidence or self doubt.

solar Plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra 

The solar plexus chakra governs our levels of self respect or self esteem, as well as being responsible for any emotional issues, digestive issues, depression, or emotional angst. 

This chakra controls the adrenal glands, pancreas, liver, stomach, digestive system, nervous system, as well as the regulation and distribution of metabolic energy.


Heart Chakra 

The heart chakra is our source of love, compassion, unconditional acceptance, forgiveness, and empathy. The heart chakra is associated with the thymus gland, lungs, hands, heart, even our  immune, endocrine, and circulatory systems. 

Issues with the heart chakra may manifest as high blood pressure, asthma or other respiratory problems, heart and lung problems, feelings of heartbrokenness, breast cancer, allergies, immune disorders, shallow breathing, circulation, fear of intimacy, low vital energy, adrenal fatigue, or feeling overworked.


Throat Chakra 

Our throat chakra is known to govern the expression of thoughts and feelings, as well as finding our own truth. Within the body this chakra is related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands, trachea, esophagus, lungs, and vocal chords. 

Issues with the throat chakra can show themselves as colds, thyroid problems, ear/hearing problems, sore throats, speech problems, teeth or gum issues, sore throat, as well as issues with the lungs or feelings of anxiousness.

Third Eye

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is associated with the pineal gland, which effects our visual input from our two physical eyes and our "third eye" of psychic perception. This chakra governs our spirituality and the search for meaning in life, visualization, inner awareness, and witness consciousness. 

Issues with this chakra can show themselves as headaches, migraines, nightmares, eye strain, blurred vision, sleep disorders, lack of intuition, depression, hormone imbalances, as well as unshakeable feelings of frustration.

Designing the Journey:

Our unique approach guides our clients to holistic healing and sustainable weight loss through 10 sessions. Each step addresses a waypoint, assessing and creating actionable changes that fits our client’s unique needs each step of the way. 

Read on and find out a bit more on our process.

Reset the Nervous System:

Life is constantly demanding of our minds, body, and our time. But sometimes we need to slow down and start all the way at the beginning, and set up the foundation for us to grow on.

Our Nervous System is a vital part of our lives because it helps to communicate what we feel to the rest of our body. The nervous system also allows us to sense the world around us, which means that when they get disrupted, it can lead to a whole slew of physical and emotional problems including depression and anxiety. 

By resetting our Nervous System through light and sound therapy, as well as mindful meditation, we allow ourselves to begin to heal on one of the body’s deepest levels, the first step in reaching any sustainable weight loss goal.


A Focus on Digestion:

The second step in the journey focuses on opening the pathway to the body, and searching for balanced and proper digestion. Stress is one of the main contributors to poor digestion, and any person that has trouble relaxing or calming their mind will likely end up experiencing digestion issues at some point in their life. 

We implement sacred drums that target the lower abdomen as well as light therapy to invoke a change in how our clients process stress. This allows a chance for the digestive system to heal, giving best chances of success moving forward.

Cleansing the Liver:

The liver acts as a main filter for the body. In fact all the blood in our stomach and intestines passes through the liver, where the blood is broken down, balanced, and nutrients are added from the liver before being recirculated throughout the body.

First Detox:

At this stage in the journey, a lot of important work has already been done. And though we are only just getting started it is important to allow the body to enact and adjust to the fundamental changes made in the first three steps. 

During this session we take time to detox the body and mind through focused sound and light therapy.

A New Normal:

The focus of the next session is similar to where the journey began. After we have elevated our mind and our body to a different level, it is important to allow the nervous system to reset or adjust to these positive changes.

Using a second stage of light and sound therapy we give the body the time and space it needs to take on the next steps along the weight loss journey.

Second Detox:

Here we are looking to promote a second cleansing of our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves through targeted sound and light therapy.

Focus on the Thyroid:

The thyroid is mission critical to the proper function of the body, and the body’s relationship with food. The thyroid releases hormones that are responsible for metabolism. Balancing the thyroid can stop the body from working against your goals, and giving the best chances for improved health. We effect change through the use of ancient frequencies accompanied by light therapy of specific frequencies.

Detox, Reset, Detox…

Have you ever heard the saying that muscles are made while you sleep? It’s true, the work you do in the gym goes into effect during recovery. The body utilizes the time when you rest to repair and grow. The same is true with holistic weight loss. Thyroid work can be intense, and once balanced the body is finally ready to sustain healthy changes. 

So for the last three sessions, we continue to focus on detoxing the body and resetting the nervous system. By pairing this rest and recovery with holistic nutrition, we help to promote the repair and balance the body needs in order to lose weight and keep it off for good.

lonely bear

You Are Not Alone:

At Harmonic Egg we believe that the best way to support our clients with their weight loss goals is to help them create a new way of living from the ground up. Our program is set up for a session once a week for ten weeks. This face time and weekly check-in strengthens accountability, with support and communication each step of the way.

Harmonic Egg Wellness logo

Who We Are:

Energy therapies have been used since ancient times. These methods of treating afflictions of the body and spirit are part of ancient healing practices like acupuncture, Yoga, and Qigong. All operate based upon the theory that illness is the result of blockages or imbalances in the body’s life energy. These healing techniques work to unblock or rebalance that life energy.

The Harmonic Egg is a sound and light therapy that operates under similar principals. Using frequencies and vibration emanating from music and light within a resonant chamber, the Harmonic Egg guides a person to a state of supreme relaxation. Some have likened this to achieving “savasana” in yoga.

Harmonic Egg

Take the First Step:

Search for the Harmonic Egg location nearest you on our website, and reach out to begin your weight loss journey.

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