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Taking a look at three core elements of the Harmonic Egg

When Harmonic Egg founder Gail Lynn set out to develop a natural and holistic therapy experience, she had one goal in mind. Tapping into the power of bio energy for wellness. She set out to create a chamber based on the power of sacred geometry in order to amplify the benefits of sound and light therapy. After collaborating with a team of sound and light engineers, as well as enlisting the expertise of professional musicians, Gail created a holistic therapy experience that would utilize the acoustics of the egg shape to help the body heal. After all that hard work, the Harmonic Egg was born.

Let’s take a look at three core elements of the Harmonic Egg: Sound therapy, light therapy, and sacred geometry. 

Sound Therapy

You have probably been moved by sound even today. As a matter of fact, I’m listening to calming music as I type these words, and it’s no doubt working. 

Sound therapy is continuing to grow in popularity from New York to LA, and wellness destinations offering sound therapy continue to pop up all across the nation. Online, Videos tagged “sound therapy” have millions of views spanning from Youtube to TikTok and everywhere in between.

Sound therapy is all about cultivating intention and receptiveness. The goal of any effective sound therapy is to promote bio-wellness through the use of tones, frequencies, instrumentation, and even nature sounds. Ultimately this helps to restore from within by utilizing the body’s ability to achieve balance through relaxation and intention. 

The self healing aspect of the experience is one part of what can make it so magical.

I personally got to experience the Egg myself, and had this to say in an article about what it was like firsthand:

“The music was stunning, starting off softly and swelling to fill the chamber. It was as if I was immersed in the center of the music. 

High notes of bells, flutes, and birdsong sounded as if they were appearing overhead, while rumbling lows gently coursed through my chest and body. You could really feel the purpose with which the music has been composed and produced to maximize resonance within the chamber. 

The musical score, created specifically for the Harmonic Egg, utilizes components of piano, drums, flute, bells, harp, violin, as well as the sounds of Nature. All of the sounds within the musical arrangement were handpicked to promote balance and building for both the nervous and immune system, Chakras, even your very DNA (among too many other potential benefits to count). “ (Check out the full article on that experience here)

Though there is no definitive answer as to why sound therapy is effective, many practitioners have theories. Some say that sound therapy can have an effect on areas of the body that traditional massage cannot by working all the way through the body’s skin to the muscle, tissue, and organs. Regardless, there’s no doubting the results that have been achieved by so many.

A study out of the University of California found that Tibetan singing bowls noticeably decreased stress and anger.  In another study, researchers from the university found that low frequency sound stimulation significantly increased the time that participants in the study could stand or sit without discomfort or pain.

Other studies on sound therapy found it to reduce anxiety, showing an overall improvement in both physical and mental health. With it becoming more and more widely accepted that most illness can be linked to stress, people are finding treatments such as Sound Therapy to be a crucial tool in combating the demands of the modern world.

Sound therapy works by reducing stress and also enabling deep relaxation, with participants often reaching states of consciousness similar to deep meditation.

New research has even shown that sound therapy might even show some relief from those suffering from Alzheimer’s, clearing toxic plaque buildup and reducing the effects of some symptoms.


When you walk into the room and see the Harmonic Egg for the first time, one of the first things you will notice is the color spilling out towards you. I had this to say about it during my experience..

“Colorful lights spilled out of the opening to the egg and onto the walls of the softly lit room [and] invoked a sense of wonder.. Above my head a (Green for me) light shone softly down the interior walls.. I felt highly relaxed and let my mind flow with whatever thought came through it, stopping in periodically to remember my intentions.”

Color Meanings:
RED: Intense fire, blood, energy, danger, love, passion, strength - RED/VIOLET: Royalty, Power, Nobility, Wealth< Ambition, Dignified, Mysterious - BLUE: Sky, Sea, Depth, Stability, Trust, Masculine, Tranquility - GREEN: Nature, Growth, Fertility, Freshness, Healing, Safety, Money - YELLOW: Sunshine, Joy, Cheerfulness, Intellect, Energy, Attention. - ORANGE: Warm, Stimulating, Enthusiasm, Happiness, Autumn, Creative. Success.

In my case, the light had somewhat of a calming effect, and I felt as if the chamber was neutrally lit during my session. This certainly helped me to relax, and could even see the color faintly glowing with my eyes closed.

In clinical situations, certain types of light stimulation have shown positive results for those suffering from seasonal effectiveness disorder (SAD) and PTSD. 

Research has also found that when light therapy is used in combination with sound therapy, the treatments have a synergistic effect..

Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry gives sacred and symbolic meaning to certain geometric shapes and proportions. Sacred geometry is an ancient study of the powerful shapes used to create and mold almost everything around us. This “language through mathematics” rules both our visible and invisible worlds.

Considered an ancient science by many, sacred geometry explores and explains the energy of creation itself. From our DNA, eyes, snowflakes, crystals, and so much more, the evidence of geometric power is all around us.

The core of sacred geometry lies in the shapes found in nature, and the arithmetic principles at work. From plants to honeycomb and beyond, the significance of geometry in nature is everywhere. Each shape carries its own unique energy. In the case of meditation, this energetic shift can promote a healing and re-balancing of the body and mind.

You can find sacred geometry used in churches, temples, mosques, even religious art as far back as ancient Greek and Egyptian architecture. Medieval European cathedrals were often designed to promote the viewer to see mathematics in the design, and gain a better understanding of the divine through it. Geometric designs in Islamic art often build on repeated squares and circles to form a wide variety of tessellations.

The Harmonic Egg utilizes sacred geometry in all aspects of the design, and I had this to say about my own experience..

As I walked into the room for my session and caught my first glimpse I immediately noticed the Harmonic Egg was an elegant and powerful design. Colorful lights spilled out of the opening to the Egg and onto the walls of the softly lit room. The shape of the chamber immediately invoked a sense of wonder. The Harmonic Egg utilizes a dodecahedron shape on the outside, while on the inside the walls are a smooth cascade of carefully sloping panels from ceiling to floor. 

The structure itself is 11’ x 11’ wide and 7’ high. Inside the chamber a zero-gravity chair is illuminated from above by rich colored lights. The chair sits on a hexagonal platform, which along with the outer egg shape utilizes sacred geometry in the design to promote 360 degrees of healing.

The use of sacred geometry is evident everywhere you turn. Each tone-wood panel lining the interior of the structure has been crafted into place at the proper angle to promote resonance.”

Harmonic Egg combines the science of bio resonance with the ancient wisdom of sacred geometry. This integrative energy therapy utilizes light, color, sound, frequency, and vibration to activate the body’s natural ability to balance and restore itself.

So who is the Harmonic Egg beneficial for?

Most everybody! Energy therapies have been used since ancient times. These methods of treating afflictions of the body and spirit are part of long-standing traditional healing practices like acupuncture, yoga, and Qigong. 

Data suggests that energy therapy balances the Autonomic Nervous System, detoxes the body, reduces inflammation, increases circulation, and clears trauma at a cellular level. The resonant frequencies used by the Harmonic Egg have the ability to detect the vibration of your body and neutralize any imbalance that may exist.  

Where can I find a Harmonic Egg near me?

Visit our website at harmonicegg.com for a list of current US and international locations. From there, contact your local wellness center to set up an appointment, relax, and enjoy your experience.

Whether you are experienced with wellness therapies, or are just starting your journey to balance & health, the Harmonic Egg has something to offer everyone. Experience the Egg and find out what it has to offer you!



128 N Craig st Pittsburgh PA 15213, USA

Harmonic Egg Poland (Ohio)

Nemenz Professional Bldg

70 W. McKinley Way, Suite 12, Poland, OH 44514, USA | Phone: 330-341-9369

Harmonic Egg Pittsburgh

2006 Smallman St Pittsburgh 15222, USA | Phone: 412-390-5577

Harmonic Egg Manitowoc

Balance on Buffalo

924 Buffalo Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220, USA | Phone: 920-684-8880